Unlock new opportunities
with tailored mobile app development services

Transform your business with customized mobile apps designed to streamline operations and enhance user engagement. Our certified mobile application developers employ robust Azure capabilities to design, build, and deploy your software efficiently and securely.

Consult mobile app experts

Why choose CIGen for mobile application development?

Enhanced customer engagement

Develop mobile applications that offer a seamless user experience, increasing customer interaction and satisfaction.

Streamlined business operations

Integrate new software with your existing systems to improve efficiency and productivity across your business processes.

Tailored for your needs

Receive custom mobile applications that address your specific business challenges and goals.

Expertise across platforms

Leverage our extensive experience in developing robust Android, iOS, and cross-platform applications.

Scalable and future-proof apps

Build scalable solutions designed to grow with your business and adapt to future technological advancements.

Secure and reliable performance

Ensure your mobile apps are secure, reliable, and perform optimally under various conditions.

Mobile app development services that match your project's maturity stage

Leveraging Azure's robust capabilities, we aim to enhance your business efficiency, agility, and innovation, propelling your enterprise to thrive in a tech-centric marketplace.

Our software engineers provide strategic consulting to help you define, design, and execute a successful mobile app strategy.
Detailed needs assessment

CIGen's app developers conduct a thorough analysis of your business requirements, including an in-depth review of current systems, processes, and user needs.

Tech stack recommendations

Our app development experts offer guidance on the best tools and technologies for your project, architecture design, and optimal infrastructure.

Project roadmap development

We will create a detailed plan to guide the development process from start to finish, including timelines, milestones, resource allocation, and risk management strategies.

Risk assessment and mitigation

At this stage security assessments using Azure Security Center is performed, evaluating compliance with industry standards, and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

Crafting visually appealing and user-centric designs with intuitive navigation, robust eCommerce features, and engaging animation.
User interface (UI) design

Our designers utilize Azure's UI frameworks and design tools to ensure your app not only looks great but also provides a seamless and engaging user journey.

User experience (UX) design

We conduct thorough usability testing and leverage Azure's analytics tools to gather user feedback and refine the app for optimal performance and satisfaction.

Interactive prototypes

Visualizing app functionality before development to gather early feedback and make necessary adjustments with interactive mockups.

Brand-consistent visuals

Our mobile app designers ensure design consistency with your brand by adhering to your brand guidelines and visual identity, achieving cohesive look and feel across all app elements.

Leverage our ample expertise in Android development to create intuitive, scalable, and high-performance applications for Android devices.
Native Android app development

Our developers specialize in building applications specifically for Android, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of Android devices and utilizing native features to enhance functionality.

Custom Android solutions

Tailoring apps to meet your unique needs by developing custom solutions that address specific business requirements, ensuring your app stands out in the competitive market.

Integration with Android SDK

Utilizing Android’s software development kit to integrate essential features and services, enhancing your app's capabilities and providing a seamless user experience.

Performance optimization

Ensuring apps run smoothly and efficiently through rigorous performance testing and optimization techniques, leveraging tools and best practices to deliver a high-performance app.

Ensure your mobile applications are reliable, secure, and provide a seamless user experience through rigorous testing processes.
Functional testing

Our testers verify all features work as intended, ensuring that every function within the app operates correctly and meets the specified requirements.

Usability testing

Enhancing the user experience by ensuring the app is easy and intuitive to use. We conduct comprehensive usability tests to identify and resolve any potential user interface issues.

Performance testing

Assessing the app’s speed and responsiveness under various conditions. We use advanced performance testing tools to ensure your app can handle high traffic and load times efficiently.

Security testing

Protecting user data and preventing vulnerabilities by conducting thorough security assessments. We leverage Azure’s security features to identify and mitigate potential threats.

Keep your mobile applications up-to-date, secure, and performing optimally with our comprehensive maintenance and support services.
Regular updates and upgrades

Our team ensures your app stays current with the latest features and improvements, providing continuous enhancements and keeping up with OS updates.

Bug fixing and troubleshooting

Resolving issues quickly and efficiently through proactive monitoring and responsive support, minimizing downtime, and maintaining user satisfaction.

Performance monitoring

Continuously tracking app performance using Azure Monitor to detect and address any issues promptly, ensuring a smooth user experience.

User feedback implementation

Gathering and implementing user feedback to make iterative improvements, ensuring the app evolves to meet user needs and expectations.

Develop versatile applications that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience and wider reach.
.NET MAUI development

Developing apps using .NET MAUI to leverage shared code and native performance, reducing development time and costs while maintaining high quality.

Flutter app development

Creating apps with Flutter for cross-platform use, ensuring a unified codebase and consistent performance across both Android and iOS devices.

Hybrid app solutions

Combining web and native technologies to develop hybrid apps, ensuring broad compatibility and efficient performance across various platforms.

Kotlin development

Developing robust and efficient applications using Kotlin for cross-platform compatibility, leveraging its modern language features to write clean and maintainable code.

Create enterprise-grade mobile applications that streamline business processes, enhance productivity, and support your enterprise’s digital transformation goals.
Custom enterprise solutions

Tailoring apps for enterprise needs, providing bespoke solutions that address specific business challenges and enhance operational efficiency.

Integration with enterprise systems

Seamlessly connecting with existing enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, and other backend services, ensuring smooth data flow and process automation.

Secure and scalable apps

Ensuring security and scalability for enterprise use, leveraging Azure’s robust security features and cloud capabilities to support growing business demands.

Employee-focused apps

Designing apps to improve employee productivity, providing tools and features that facilitate communication, collaboration, and task management within the enterprise.

Types of mobile app development: Leveraging Azure


Native apps are built for specific platforms (iOS or Android) using platform-specific languages and tools like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android. These apps offer the most optimal performance and responsiveness, ideal for gaming, augmented reality (AR), and intensive processing tasks. Native apps also benefit from faster execution and smoother animations, providing users with the highest quality experience in terms of speed and visual fidelity.


Hybrid apps combine web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) with native elements. Tools like Apache Cordova enable this approach. Azure's Visual Studio App Center offers continuous integration and delivery, while Azure Blob Storage ensures secure data handling and storage. Ideal for startups and small to medium-sized businesses looking to save development costs while targeting both iOS and Android.


Cross-platform development allows creating apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase. Tools like .NET MAUI and React Native are popular choices. Azure supports this with services like Azure Functions for serverless computing and Azure Mobile Apps for backend data synchronization and authentication. Ideal for businesses wanting to maintain a consistent user experience across iOS and Android with shared business logic.

Why businesses opt for .NET MAUI

Choosing .NET MAUI for your mobile app development means embracing a powerful framework that offers a unified development experience, native performance, and extensive resources. With .NET MAUI, you can streamline your production process, integrate seamlessly with Azure, and ensure your app remains future-ready with continuous updates from Microsoft.

.NET MAUI simplifies the development process, enabling us to build apps for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows from a single codebase. This unity streamlines production, reducing time to market and ensuring consistency across platforms.
Apps developed with .NET MAUI are compiled into native code, offering optimal performance and smooth user experiences. This means your app not only looks native on each platform but also acts native, providing superior responsiveness and efficiency.
Leverage the vast ecosystem of .NET libraries and tools. From sophisticated UI controls to powerful analytics, .NET MAUI apps benefit from a rich suite of resources that enhance functionality and user engagement.
.NET MAUI and Azure are a match made in the cloud. Azure's services, from databases to authentication and push notifications, integrate seamlessly with .NET MAUI, empowering your app with scalable architecture, robust security, and real-time data processing.
With Microsoft's commitment to .NET MAUI and the .NET ecosystem, your app is always on the cutting edge of technology. Continuous updates and community support ensure your app evolves, meeting future demands and leveraging new innovations.

Looking to develop a mobile app that gets the job done?

Partner with CIGen’s Azure experts to create efficient, high-quality mobile apps for your clients or team. Let’s bring your vision to life and ensure your mobile solutions meet all your business needs.

Talk to us

Advantages of mobile apps over web apps

Enhanced performance & speed
Offline functionality
Enhanced security
Personalization & engagement
Integration with device features
Better user experience

Mobile app development blueprint
designed for timely results & seamless processes

Our veteran mobile app development team leverages Azure’s powerful tech stack, including Azure DevOps and Azure App Services, to create high-performance solutions that enable your further business growth.

Discovery phase

Business objectives
Stakeholder interviews
Market and competition
Project scope

Design & prototyping

Wireframes and mockups
UI designs
Prototype for feedback
Refine based on feedback


Set up environment
Write and test code
Backend services
Integrate third-party APIs

Testing & QA

Functional testing
Usability testing
Performance testing
Security compliance

Deployment & launch

App store submissions
Monitor user feedback
Perform post-launch support

Maintenance, support

Updates, improvements
Monitor app performance
Technical support, fixes
Implement user feedback

Scaling & optimization

Analyze user data
Optimize app performance
Plan new features
Scale infrastructure

Mobile app development team

A successful mobile app development project relies on a cohesive team of skilled professionals, each bringing their expertise to ensure a high-quality product. Here are the four essential members of a mobile app development team and their key functions:

Front-end developer

Front-end developers create the user interface, ensuring the app is visually appealing and easy to navigate. For mobile app development on Azure, they work with .NET MAUI and Blazor, utilizing languages such as C# and XAML to build interactive user interfaces that function seamlessly on various devices.

Back-end engineer

Back-end engineers handle the server-side logic and database management, ensuring the app's data is stored securely and efficiently. They develop APIs and integrate the app with external services, providing the functionality necessary for a robust and responsive application.

Quality Assurance (QA) tester

QA testers are responsible for identifying and fixing bugs, ensuring the app functions correctly and meets the specified requirements. They conduct various tests, including functional, performance, and security testing, to deliver a reliable and high-performing app.

Solution architect

Solution architects design the overall structure of the app, making critical decisions about the technology stack and system architecture. They ensure the app's design is scalable, maintainable, and aligned with the business objectives, providing a strong foundation for development.

Other services

App modernization

Boost performance, accelerate deployments, and reduce costs, all while enhancing key
business metrics.

Azure migration

Leverage the expertise of Azure cloud to fuel your digital transformation journey, ensuring a competitive edge in a tech-driven marketplace.

Native development

Embark on a digital transformation journey that amplifies your business agility and operational excellence.

Quality assurance

Our QA services ensure software excellence, leveraging the latest testing methodologies to exceed quality, functionality, and user experience standards.

Clients about our cooperation

See what our clients say about the way our team helped them leverage their business potential.

They don’t just write code, they think through projects to make sure they find the best solution. Because of their thorough researching processes, their deliverables consistently exceed expectations.

Michael Rodriguez

CEO, InnovateTech Solutions

We are happy to share our thoughts on how professional, committed, and flexible CIGen is. The team we have worked with is always respectful and organized. Listening is one of their biggest strengths, as every time we present an idea for improvement we receive many suggestions for its realization.

Justas Beržinskas

Co-Founder at Kloogo

Working with the CIGen team is a rewarding and satisfying experience. Professionally, they are smart experts committed to understanding your needs and bringing to life what you are looking for. I think they are warm and welcoming people. I am looking forward to working again with the CIGen team.

Andreas Mildner

Co-Founder and Manager at GenieME

We have been working with CIGen for a few years. Our close cooperation brings significant value and result. They think from a business perspective, meet time-lines and budget. We have completed several projects and continue working together. Happy to recommend!

Michael Nilsson Pauli

CEO & Co-founder at Kodexe

The team addresses concerns promptly and generally completes tasks on time. Moreover, they pay close attention to the client’s needs. They work hard and take ownership of their tasks, resulting in a truly smooth collaboration.

Nandu Majeti

CTO at Rocktop Technologies

CIGen delivered a high-quality coded mobile app, which satisfied our requirements. They communicated daily and asked only relevant questions to identify the key to the project development. We were impressed with their expertise.

Alexander Schultz

CEO at Third Act

Thanks to CIGen, we reduced our technical debt and received ample support for their strategic technical initiatives. The team has a great project management approach and always aims to improve their partnership with us. Moreover, their members are proactive and highly skilled.

Karl Otto Aam

CTO at Skytech Control

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